Today I’m bringing you a fun color & art activity to celebrate The Cat In The Hat! I’m calling it Color Resist Art – FOUR WAYS! Cat In The Hat is one of those iconic children’s books that every household owns… am I right?! It’s a classic! Todays activity will inspire you to start gathering ideas, to celebrate Dr. Seuss’s birthday with your little ones. His birthday also coincides with Read Across America day – a nationwide reading celebration that takes place annually on March 2—Dr. Seuss’s birthday.
It’s a new month, and the start of a new Virtual Book Club for Kids post! For this month, February, our selected book is The Cat In The Hat by Dr. Seuss.
Here are the past months activities/crafts:
- The book: Where the Wild Things Are
with a Math Activity: Sailboat Tangrams
- The book: Llama Llama Red Pajama with a Math Activity: Patterns & Symmetry
- The book: Madeline with an Art & Color Activity: Exploring Art and Color
- The book: The Little Engine That Could with a Shape & Math Activity: Build A Train Game
Check out those and more on my “Inspired by Books Board”
Follow Melissa {Mama Miss}’s board TEACH: literary learning – book & activity combos on Pinterest.
For this color and art activity we dove into Color Resist Art in four methods of application.
What is color resist art? It is where you apply a sealed medium onto your paper, such as glue, wax crayons, sealant, hot glue, wax, or tape. You then lay out your design with this medium, and apply color over top in different methods.
We chose to use a tape sealant, and then apply color over the tape with markers, watercolors, crayons, and finger paints – four different methods offering four different results! To get in the Dr. Seuss “spirit” after reading the book, I free-handed (in PSE) this little Dr. Seuss Hat for us to create our Color Resist Art on.
TAPE TIP! Use painters tape or paper tape (washi tape) so the paper won’t rip (as much) when lifting it up off of your creation.
Color Resist Art
- Washi Tape or Painters Tape
- Finger Paint
- Crayons
- Markers
- Watercolors
- Paint Brush
- Water Cup & Water (for watercolors)
- White Cardstock
- Scissors
- Printable
Make it:
- Print out the Dr. Seuss hat on white cardstock (see below for download).
- Using a paper tape like washi or painters, tape the lines of your hat.
- Using the color method you prefer, paint/draw red over the tape and fill in the white spaces (don’t worry about staying in the lines – you can clean it up once it’s cut out) .
- Let dry if using paint. Once dry remove paper tape slowly keeping it tight and near the paper as you pull it off.
- If not using paint, remove paper tape slowly keeping it tight and near the paper as you pull it off.
- Voilà! Beautiful Color Resist Art – Cat In The Hat style!
Now, of course this is just a starting point to get into the activity at hand & to tie it into The Cat In The Hat – with his red and white striped hat.
The kiddos went further and decided to explore other colors and different techniques on the hats, and even brought the Color Resist Art method onto some plain cardstock to create their own abstract designs.
I think that’s my favorite part about creating art – you never know where the activity will take you & what you’ll end up with! With the kiddos, I love it when you see their confidence rise & they lead out of the activity exploring on their own. THAT makes my entire heart happy!
And here are the FREE COLOR RESIST ART HATS – just enter your name & email and I’ll send ya the downloadable link straight away to your inbox – BAM – just like that!
The Cat In The Hat by Dr. Seuss
for this month’s for Virtual Book Club for Kids.
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[…] Color Resist Hat by Mama Miss […]