So, I think I’m gonna start a new thing – let me introduce my cheesy-ness, shall we!
I {HEART} motivational quotes.
There. I said it. It’s off my chest ;)
So, let me tell you why.
Well, I mean, who doesn’t love motivational quotes, c’mon, tell me I’m not the only one. I see all these memes floating around on Facebook EVERY.SINGLE.DAY. You guys! You love motivational quotes as much as me! Maybe? ;)
And here’s the real reason – When I was my MOST successful on sticking to a healthy eating & exercise plan I NEEDED daily motivational quotes to keep on the straight & narrow. I really don’t know if that’s the reason I was so successful at that point in my life or not – but it helped. It could have also been no kids, a singleton life, and no other obligations to further distract me too. But those things, well, yep, that’s not me now. So we must go back to basics!!
I shall not bore you with a daily motivational thing, that just might become a bit too much. So, during my bright-idea time, aka shower & alone time, I came up with Motivational Monday! Wahoo! Because Mondays…yep they need a good kick in the rear – haha & so do I!
So here’s my weekly motivator. Motivational Monday take one!
Thank you! I will leave it as a reminder by my desk!
Awesome!! Thank you Angela :) xx
Love it
Thanks Jamie :) xx