I’m sure, like most all married couples, hubs & I struggle to make time for each other. I’m grateful that we don’t have to deal with long distance anymore (we’ve done it before – it isn’t easy). It’s just making intentional time in our busy schedules for each other. Typical day – I’m with the kids at home all day, working trying to work from home. Hubs is in the office. He gets home, we eat dinner, the kiddos get baths, books, & beds. I usually always fall asleep snuggling with V in her toddler bed (sounds uncomfortable – it’s actually pretty cozy unless you happen to fall asleep for a couple of hours – then it’s painful – HA!). That’s our night, most nights. So, by the time the kiddos are down, we’re wiped out!
Man, reading all that just makes me tired! It’s time to make some changes!
This is where this fun series called, “14 Days of Busy Mamas Dating Their Husbands”, comes in. Mari from Inspired by Family Magazine is hosting a series where myself & some other awesome bloggers are coming together with ideas for “dating” our men again. So awesome right?! Thought so!
Hubs & I always have a hard time making time for each other, but when we do, we ALWAYS say, “man, why don’t we do this more often?” So, I’m getting back to basics today!
If you don’t know me already, or if you are new to mama♥miss – I’m super goofy & silly. One of the things I adore about my hubs is that he can always make me laugh. A rolling on the floor, belly clutching, snorting laugh. He can be just as silly and as goofy as me, if not sillier :) That’s why I love him so! I try not to take things too seriously, life is serious enough, the news is usually heartbreaking, and you know what – we all need to act silly & be silly every now and then, right?!
So here’s my idea (oh, & it includes a free printable too, hehe ;) & how I plan on staging this scenario…
(I’ve already instructed hubs not to read today’s post because this hasn’t happened yet – eeek you guys know before him, so shhhhh! :)
- Grab my little toy shooters with soft plastic balls (you can use foam darts, water balloons, pillows, etc. – be creative :)
- Have Grandma & Grandpa take the kiddos for the day/evening.
- Place the card & a shooter in the foyer on the steps, so when he comes in the door it’s the first thing he sees.
- I’ll go hide, waiting for him to play along & find me.
- Then watch out hubs, cause I’m gonna get ya :)
I can’t wait to let the seriousness of the everyday monotony break out into giggles – let the silliness & laughter begin!
Life’s too short – LAUGH OFTEN :)
Happy date night!
PS. I’ll keep you updated on how it went & let me know if this “out of the box” date night worked for you too!
Download your free printable “Invitation… to be silly & play” card here.
(it’s sized for 5×7, so make sure you select “actual size” when printing & then in properties change the paper size to “borderless 5×7”)
xx ♥ m
Make sure to check out all the other bloggers participating in this fun series here, as well as link up one of your own below!
Thank you! This is a date night at home my husband would enjoy. Do you have a certain play gun you recommend?
Hey Annette – The one I have is similar to this one {http://amzn.to/VOisJm} Thank you for checking it out! Let me know how it goes!! :) xx ♥ m