As always, I am completely behind with Christmas fun. As a busy mama, finding time to do it all, well, it’s gosh-darn near impossible!! This time of year is always so chaotic, and with kids it’s ten times as chaotic – HA!
I designed this quick printable for a super easy advent calendar for the kiddos to do. I originally had intended to do it with pom-pom balls, but switched it up to foam holiday stickers
I had lying around instead (remember, I’m a craft hoarder ;). The thought of having V dip the pom-poms in glue everyday, well, it didn’t seem like a realistic, non-messy approach for a daily thing in our kitchen.
The fun thing about this is you really could do it with anything you already have around the house; use pom-poms, stickers, foam stickers, construction paper, or even color the spaces in with markers or crayons – the sky’s the limit for decorating this tree!!! The only thing that you will actually need is the printable!!
For ours, I found this really cool foam board already shaped like a tree at our local craft store. If you can’t find this foam board tree, or don’t want to run all over town trying to find it (because it’s really not necessary, it was just something I happened to have), you could also easily get some green foam board/poster board and cut out a tree shape yourself. And, if you’re feeling really creative, you could always just get white poster board/foam board and draw your own Christmas tree!!! I wanted a sturdier backing so that’s why I used the foam board as a base. I then attached the printable to it (with tape) so that we can do it every year (all I have to do is print out a new printable next year! EASY-PEASY!). Finally, I attached it to our refrigerator with plastic putty and let miss V catch up on dates (good thing it’s only December 3rd)!!
P.S…this is great for number recognition, too (learning & fun – woohoo)!!!!
Have you started your Advent Calendar yet? It’s okay, you can be fashionably late like me ;)
xx ♥ m
Terrific craft! Please share on our Christmas Crafts Linky Party and get some additional traffic to your site. Post as many holiday ideas that you have. And feel free to join this Blog Hop on your own site.
Thanks Jennifer! I would love too, I’ve been so bad about linking up to linky parties lately…I need a night to just sit down & do it :) Thanks for stopping by! xx ♥ m
Great – a homemade/handmade advent calendar. I love it.
Thanks mom :):) You can help her next week with it when you come!!!
xx ♥ m