So, in turning to the printable I wanted to embark upon today, I thought of those old mix-n-match games where you could add a head to a different body & create a totally different look. I have also been brainstorming about Halloween, and the activities I can come up with for V that are 3yo girl G-rated (i.e. not scary in the SLIGHTEST bit). And let me tell you, there is not a lot of inspiration of non-scary Halloween things, except for pumpkins that is. Well, with mix-n-match on the brain, I thought “I wonder if I could do that with pumpkins”? But, it needs to be a happy pumpkin, happy little pumpkins to mix-n-match. “By George, I think I’ve got it!” And, behold, this is how I DID it :)
- First, click on the image below to download the free printable PDF file.
- Next, laminate it. This is not necessary, however it will hold up better during play. An alternative to lamination is Clear Contact Paper
- Next, cut out each circle, then cut each pumpkin in half along the dotted line.
- Play time! Mix-n-Match the pieces to create different little happy pumpkin faces.
- (Optional) I took it a step further & added Magnet Strips
to the back of each pumpkin half & attached them to a baking tray from the Dollar Store. So, now it can be used in the car without losing the pieces (Genius Mama Moment!!).
xx ♥ m
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I love it! Very cute :-)
awwww thanks Sarah & for the comment luv! You know what’s funny, when I design these things I think of all of V’s little friends & would they play with it too? I always have your girls in the back of my mind :)
xx ♥ m