mmmmmm, yeah, there are no words…I am drawing a blank – HA!
How would you caption this Real Life Wednesday?
If you have been enjoying my “Real Life Wednesday” posts, consider hopping on the party train over at picklebums & posting one too! I love writing & reading these posts :)
There is a great quote – “ The reason we struggle with insecurity is because we compare our behind-the-scenes to everyone else’s highlight reel.” – Steve Furtick”
Well, “Real Life Wednesday” is all about the behind-the-scenes footage in the mama♥miss house, please enjoy & please laugh ;)
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You are a brave, brave mom! I was just glaring at the insides of my fridge today, cursing under my breath (the walls have monkey ears!). Now I don’t feel one ounce of shame! Thank you!
:) I have no shame! This stuff is real! When pondering what I would do each week for Real Life Wednesday, I thought…hmmm let’s have some craziness up in here so I can get it on film. And, I am happy to report “my walls have monkey ears too”, because the crazy just keeps coming (I even have a backlog of crazy to choose from each week – HA!). What’s that saying “Life is 10 percent what you make it, and 90 percent how you take it”…well, I am taking it, & taking pictures of it now too! HAHAHA – I {love} it! The craziness makes me smile :) Thanks for stopping by Lisa!
xx ♥ m
Oh no! Is that beer?!?!?
OH NO – that would be a travesty (said the hubs) & if it was beer I might have seen the hubs cry for the first time ever – LOL! The hubs left his soda in the freezer overnight & the pressure seared off the metal top & left the loveliness you see above ;) Thanks for stopping by!
xx ♥ m
Oh no!!!!!! What a mess!!
Now who is responsible for that mess? If it were me it would be an unfortunate accident, if it were my Dh then it would be an ‘idiot male who should have known better’… and yes, we do double standards in our house! LOL
hehe – the guilty party was indeed the hubs & he did in fact clean up his lovely mess :)
xx ♥ m
I LOVE that quote!! When I first saw this I thought “Ew WTH?” Then I looked closer and I see the conundrum. Pop can explosion? I feel for ya, that is one sticky situation. Who was the culprit of putting it in the freezer? They get clean up duty!! I am loving Real Life Wednesdays!!
hehe – I guess I should have told you guys what it was :) But, yep it was a lovely soda can gone crazy – so crazy the pressure ripped the metal top off – YIKES! The culprit WAS NOT me – & the hubs definitely cleaned up his beautiful mess ;) Thanks for stopping by!
xx ♥ m