What a crazy day last Wednesday was.
You know how you run upstairs to grab something & you can’t for the life of you remember what you climbed up those stairs for, so you have to go back downstairs & circle around trying to remember? Well, yeah, this isn’t like that. This is complete memory loss that was felt all the way to my stomach.
Last Wednesday was so busy I ate two lunches! What’s that you say?!
Yep, I didn’t realize I ate two lunches until I started eating the second lunch. I do realize this is ABSURD- who eats two lunches?!!! This day is a testament as to why I need to slow down and take care of myself first, then tend to everybody else and their needs (a fed & rested mama is a sane mama :)
So here’s how it all went down…
I ate lunch on my way to an afternoon meeting knowing I’d get back at nap-time to pick up the kids. Therefore rushing to get them both down and not being able to sit & have a meal until way later.
Let me introduce you to “lunch one”.
So, I ate “lunch one”.
I then went to my meeting.
I left my meeting & it occurred to me that I hadn’t eaten lunch yet.
So, reminding myself of the nap-time debacle, I went through the drive thru & grabbed a quick meal on my way to pick up the kids.
Introducing “lunch two”.
While in the drive thru I could not for the life of me figure out why my stomach wasn’t growling with nothing in it (I absolutely did think this, but yet it did not spark a “lunch one” memory).
I put the non-stomach growling thoughts on the back burner.
I ate several bites of my new sandwich on my way to pick up the kiddos.
It then dawned on me that the reason my stomach wasn’t growling was because I HAD ALREADY EATEN – duh!
I have NEVER eaten a double lunch, EVER! I forget to eat lunch sometimes altogether, but eating lunch twice because I completely forgot about the first time, well, this is a first! It was so funny I was cracking up laughing in the car, driving by myself, with half of a sandwich hanging out of my mouth. I almost got sick at the idea of eating two lunches. I quickly preserved my craziness in a photo for you (the half eaten “lunch two”), and then proceeded to toss “lunch two” in the trash.
I still can’t believe I completely forgot I ate the first lunch – I mean, who does that?!
Have you ever eaten two lunches – or am I the only one?!
Oh, lunch, lunch, wherefore art thou lunch?
Deny my hunger, and refuse thy eat.
Or if thou starve not, be but a full tummy, and I’ll no longer be a hungry mama.
But wait, oh yeah, tis but thy lunch one that is my fullness, tis why thou are not hungry.
Absolutely hilarious.
Like Bek, I’ve heated up lunch and left it in the oven or microwave, but I’ve never eatern two lunches. I would like to one day though. Hope it happens to me, He he!
hehee :) I hope it doesn’t happen to you – I was so sick at the thought of eating two – ugh! Thanks for stopping by :)
xx ♥ m
haha! oh dear! lucky you getting two lunches!
The other day I arrived to pick up hubby at 4pm and couldn’t figure out why I was hungry as I’d had left over stir fry for lunch…. I grabbed a banana from my folks place and continued on my way. It wasn’t until I got home and went to use the microwave that I found my lunch! Still uneaten… bummer!!! Life as a busy mummy I guess! Two lunches or no lunch – not sure what’s worse! ;) Thanks for stopping by my blog!
hehe, sounds like my day :) Thanks for popping over too! :)
xx ♥ m
I can’t say I have ever forgotten that I’ve eaten, but I have tried to serve my kids a second lunch on a particular insane day….
Sometimes it takes something really odd to get us to slow down! LOL
I definitely does! :) Thanks Kate for stopping by :)
xx ♥ m